A standalone MythX API command line interface with a plethora of features

Note: See the MythX CLI documentation for full details on usage.

The MythX CLI Python package aims to provide a simple to use command line interface for the MythX API. It’s main purpose is to demonstrate how advanced features can be implemented using the PythX Python language bindings for MythX to simplify API interaction.


The MythX CLI runs on Python 3.6+, including 3.8-dev and pypy. To get started, run:

$ pip install mythx-cli


$ mythx
Usage: mythx [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Your CLI for interacting with

  --debug                         Provide additional debug output
  --api-key TEXT                  Your MythX API key from the dashboard
  --username TEXT                 Your MythX account's username
  --password TEXT                 Your MythX account's password
  --format [simple|json|json-pretty|table]
                                  The format to display the results in
                                  [default: table]
  --ci                            Return exit code 1 if high-severity issue is
  -y, --yes                       Do not prompt for any confirmations
  -o, --output TEXT               Output file to write the results into
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  analysis  Get information on running and finished analyses.
  analyze   Analyze the given directory or arguments with MythX.
  group     Create, modify, and view analysis groups.
  render    Render an analysis job or group report as HTML.
  version   Display API version information.

Advanced usage

For in-depth details on how to use the MythX CLI, alternative ways to install it, as well as helpful documentation about authentication, analysing complex projects and more, head over to the MythX CLI documentation.

The MythX CLI project is MIT-licensed and contributions are always welcome! For more information on how to get involved, check out our Contribution guidelines.

Last updated